Leikfélag Hólmavíkur sýnir Saumastofuna eftir Kjartan Ragnarsson í leikstjórn Skúla Gautasonar laugardaginn 1. desember kl. 20 í Dalabúð.
Saumastofan gerist árið 1975 og segir frá degi á saumastofu þar sem starfsfólkið kynnist hvort öðru betur í óvæntri afmælisveislu með tilheyrandi söng, tónlist og tilfinningarússíbana.
The theater club of Hólmavík is setting up the play Saumastofan written by Kjartan Ragnarsson, directed by Skúli Gautason. It takes place in the year 1975 and sowcases a workday at a tailor shop when the staff gets to know each other better in a surprise birthday party involving singing, music and emotional rollercoaster. The show is entirely in Icelandic but if you do not speak or understand Icelandic you get free entrance.